West Kootenay Watershed Collaborative

Updates and Announcements

Robert W. Gray’s Bio

Robert W. Gray’s Bio Fire & Water – June 26, 2024 – Taghum Hall – 6:30 PM Robert W. Gray is an AFE-Certified Wildland Fire Ecologist and the President of R.W. Gray Consulting Ltd. Robert has over 40 years experience

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Board Chair Speech from AGM

Like all good origin stories ours starts in a conventional way: It was a dark and stormy evening in December 2018 when the Area E Director Ramona Faust pulled together representatives from seven creeks along with the local science knowledge

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February 29 AGM Announcement

Learn about our plans to defend and support healthy watersheds. Find out ways that you can get involved. Meet our Board members, and sign up for a membership. Our Board has been working diligently on a number of fronts towards our goal of funding science to protect consumptive watersheds in the West Kootenay and beyond.

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